Saturday, August 26, 2006

Interview #666 - The Corpsegrinder Kid

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to another fantastic, brand new, very clean episode of Interview #666. I'm your host, Mr.D and tonight we have a very special guest for you.

He's someone who's fresh, new and young. Very young. In fact, he's only eight years old and he's already released his first Black-Death-Pig-Fat-Doom-Math-Industrial Metal album, Bloodkillspill Innocentanimals which in its first week itself managed to break all sales records in this genre. Please give a warm welcome to my very special guest, a man... rather a boy, who has sold five CDs, that's right ladies and gentlemen, FIVE whole CDs to people other than those legally bound to buy it from him, the one and only CORPSEGRINDER KID!

Hi Corpsegrinder Kid, or can I just call you CK.
No. You may only refer to me as THE Corpsegrinder Kid, not just Corpsegrinder Kid. You have no idea how long I had to hold my breath before I could convince my parents to legally change my name to THE Corpsegrinder Kid. Hah! I showed them.

Okay then... (looks hesitantly to producer who's busy surfing porn on the studio provided laptop). A lot of people are really beginning to understand the genre of music you play. Tell us what inspired you to get into playing music in the first place.
Well first of all, you have to understand that the music I play is very, very difficult. To play. Though I'm all grown up and all and I can count upto 25 proper proper, my guitar is about the size of my body. And the rest of my band mates are still in primary. I mean, yesterday only Bonecruncher was telling me how his mother was not letting him watch TV and making him study all the time and his dad also is being a whiny-ass bitch you know. So there's all this angst and angryness and fustrate... f... futsrate...

Frustration that we are feeling. It's just not keeping us happy. And all the other music is just poseur. So we played around with a lot of guitar effects and I once threw my milk bottle on the ground and it made a clangy sound that I liked. So we used that. And we expressed our feelings.

Your new album, Bloodkillspill Innocentanimals, is really very interesting and it deals with a lot of interesting issues. Tell us something about that.

Well first of all, we spent a lot of time making the album. A whole bunch of effort went into it. I mean, we spent almost like THREE whole hours writing, recording and producing the album. I missed Captain Planet, Scooby Doo, Top Cat, Swat Kats and Alibaba just to make the album.
*"Oh!" crowd groans in sympathy*
It's a concept album. It's a story about a boy whose mother did not let him watch his favourite TV cartoons and so the boy gets angry and kicks a cat.

Yes, the story is very intriguing and so well told. One of your songs, Gimme Ice-cream Now Or I'll Incinerate Your Lifeless Body, has some mention of politics as well.
The war outside has been going on for years. We feel it needs to stop.
The war in Iraq?
No, no. The war between mummy and the washerlady. She just doesn't wash the clothes properly. I mean how hard is it to clean my susu pants?

Thank you so much for being with us here tonight THE Corpsegrinder Kid. Do you have any message for your fans around the world watching this show.
Don't let anyone tell you what to do. If you don't want to do your homework, don't do it. If your mummy tells you that you have to, chainsaw the bitch and burn your house down.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Please to be Reading My Insight on the Rock and Roll

I am very much agreeing with the wonderwall. Infact, I am very much liking the song "The Wall' by Pink and Floyd. Both of them were very good musicians.

I am absolutely believeing myself that 'Boysons' make 'gay-type' music. Infact, I am believing that any musician or band who does not have the following 'wordings' in his 'song lyrics' is of the gay.

1. Corpse
2. Blood
3. Maggots
4. Interstine
5. Blood-thirsty
6. Fetus
7. Carcass
8. War

And they should also be having a 'reverse cross' somewhere on their album cover.
Will be pleasing to discuss more about the favorite music of mine in the next post.

The madness continues...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Statement of Purpose

"I like many, many bands. I have heard almost all the Rock. But I don’t like cheap poseurs like Linking Park and Limp Bizkit. They are not even using the right way of singing. I also don’t like the Backst(r)eet Boys and the Boysons. But I am liking the hard Rock. That is good. I like Metallica and Guns and Roses. Those three bands are my favourite."

Here begins the madness.